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The BRICS component model: a model-based development paradigm for complex robotics software systems

Published: 18 March 2013 Publication History


Because robotic systems get more complex all the time, developers around the world have, during the last decade, created component-based software frameworks (Orocos, Open-RTM, ROS, OPRoS, SmartSoft) to support the development and reuse of "large grained" pieces of robotics software. This paper introduces the BRICS Component Model (BCM) to provide robotics developers with a set of guidelines, metamodels and tools for structuring as much as possible the development of, both, individual components and component-based architectures, using one or more of the aforementioned software frameworks at the same time, without introducing any framework- or application-specific details. The BCM is built upon two complementary paradigms: the "5Cs" (separation of concerns between the development aspects of Computation, Communication, Coordination, Configuration and Composition) and the meta-modeling approach from Model-Driven Engineering.


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  1. The BRICS component model: a model-based development paradigm for complex robotics software systems



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      cover image ACM Conferences
      SAC '13: Proceedings of the 28th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing
      March 2013
      2124 pages
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      Association for Computing Machinery

      New York, NY, United States

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      Published: 18 March 2013


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      1. component models
      2. reusable software
      3. robotics
      4. software architectures


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