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Localization with sparse acoustic sensor network using UAVs as information-seeking data mules

Published: 04 June 2013 Publication History


We propose and demonstrate a novel architecture for on-the-fly inference while collecting data from sparse sensor networks. In particular, we consider source localization using acoustic sensors dispersed over a large area, with the individual sensors located too far apart for direct connectivity. An Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) is employed for collecting sensor data, with the UAV route adaptively adjusted based on data from sensors already visited, in order to minimize the time to localize events of interest. The UAV therefore acts as a information-seeking data mule, not only providing connectivity, but also making Bayesian inferences from the data gathered in order to guide its future actions. The system we demonstrate has a modular architecture, comprising efficient algorithms for acoustic signal processing, routing the UAV to the sensors, and source localization. We report on extensive field tests which not only demonstrate the effectiveness of our general approach, but also yield specific practical insights into GPS time synchronization and localization accuracy, acoustic signal and channel characteristics, and the effects of environmental phenomena.


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ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks  Volume 9, Issue 3
May 2013
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Published: 04 June 2013
Accepted: 01 February 2012
Revised: 01 October 2011
Received: 01 August 2010
Published in TOSN Volume 9, Issue 3


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  1. Routing
  2. UAV routing
  3. acoustic source localization
  4. angle of arrival
  5. heterogeneous
  6. large scale
  7. time of arrival


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