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10.1145/2483977.2483990acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesmmsysConference Proceedingsconference-collections

The jiku mobile video dataset

Published: 28 February 2013 Publication History


Proliferation of mobile devices with video recording capability has lead to a tremendous growth in the amount of user-generated mobile videos. Researchers have embarked on developing new interesting applications and enhancement algorithms for mobile video. There is, however, no standard dataset with videos that could represent characteristics of mobile videos captured in realistic scenarios. In this paper, we present our effort to create one such dataset, consisting of videos simultaneously recorded using mobile devices in an unconstrained manner by multiple users attending performance events. Each video is accompanied by concurrent readings from accelerometer and compass sensors. At the time of writing, the dataset contains 473 video clips, with a total length of 30 hours 41 minutes and total size of 122.8 GB. We believe this dataset is useful as a common benchmark dataset for a variety of different research topics on mobile videos, including video analytics, video quality enhancement, and automatic video mashups.


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cover image ACM Conferences
MMSys '13: Proceedings of the 4th ACM Multimedia Systems Conference
February 2013
304 pages
  • General Chair:
  • Carsten Griwodz
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 28 February 2013


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  1. dataset
  2. mobile video
  3. sensor-rich video


  • Research-article

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MMSys '13: Multimedia Systems Conference 2013
February 28 - March 1, 2013
Oslo, Norway

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MMSys '13 Paper Acceptance Rate 15 of 63 submissions, 24%;
Overall Acceptance Rate 176 of 530 submissions, 33%


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