The aim of this one-day workshop is to bring together researchers who are interested in optimizing database performance on modern computing infrastructure by designing new data management techniques and tools.
Proceeding Downloads
Energy-proportional query execution using a cluster of wimpy nodes
Because energy use of single-server systems is far from being energy proportional, we explore whether or not better energy efficiency may be achieved by a cluster of nodes whose size is dynamically adjusted to the current workload demand. As data-...
The HELLS-join: a heterogeneous stream join for extremely large windows
Upcoming processors are combining different computing units in a tightly-coupled approach using a unified shared memory hierarchy. This tightly-coupled combination leads to novel properties with regard to cooperation and interaction. This paper ...
Scalable frequent itemset mining on many-core processors
Frequent-itemset mining is an essential part of the association rule mining process, which has many application areas. It is a computation and memory intensive task with many opportunities for optimization. Many efficient sequential and parallel ...
Optimizing select conditions on GPUs
Implementations of data processing operators on GPU processors have achieved significant performance improvements over their multicore CPU counterparts. To achieve maximum performance, database operator implementations must take into consideration ...
Efficient GPU-based skyline computation
The skyline operator for multi-criteria search returns the most interesting points of a data set with respect to any monotone preference function. Existing work has almost exclusively focused on efficiently computing skylines on one or more CPUs, ...
High throughput heavy hitter aggregation for modern SIMD processors
Heavy hitters are data items that occur at high frequency in a data set. They are among the most important items for an organization to summarize and understand during analytical processing. In data sets with sufficient skew, the number of heavy hitters ...
Enabling efficient OS paging for main-memory OLTP databases
Even though main memory is becoming large enough to fit most OLTP databases, it may not always be the best option. OLTP workloads typically exhibit skewed access patterns where some records are hot (frequently accessed) but many records are cold (...
OLTP in wonderland: where do cache misses come from in major OLTP components?
For several decades, online transaction processing has been one of the main applications that drives innovations in the data management ecosystem, and in turn the database and computer architecture communities. Despite the novel approaches from industry ...
Peak performance: remote memory revisited
Many database systems share a need for large amounts of fast storage. However, economies of scale limit the utility of extending a single machine with an arbitrary amount of memory. The recent broad availability of the zero-copy data transfer protocol ...
Index Terms
- Proceedings of the Ninth International Workshop on Data Management on New Hardware