Cited By
View all- Leotta MClerissi DRicca FTonella P(2014)Visual vs. DOM-Based Web Locators: An Empirical StudyWeb Engineering10.1007/978-3-319-08245-5_19(322-340)Online publication date: 2014
The increased importance of Test Automation in software engineering is very evident considering the number of companies investing in automated testing tools nowadays, with the main aim of preventing defects during the development process. Test ...
In software industry, automation plays a major role for improving the test efficiency of software test organisation. For ensuring test coverage satisfaction and thereby reducing risk, projects use more people for manual testing or use automation ...
We present a process driven test automation solution which enables delegating (part of) automation tasks from test automation engineer (expensive resource) to test analyst (non-developer, less expensive). In our approach, a test automation engineer ...
Association for Computing Machinery
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