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View all- Benjamin MDiVerdi SFinkelstein AMould D(2014)Painting with trianglesProceedings of the Workshop on Non-Photorealistic Animation and Rendering10.1145/2630397.2630399(13-20)Online publication date: 8-Aug-2014
Liver Segmentation from CT image is a difficult task due to abdomen apparatus complexity. Snakes, or active contours, are extensively used in medical image segmentation. The automatic generation of initial snake curves and improving snake performance in ...
In this paper, we consider the problem of extracting shape contours from High Resolution Computed Tomography HRCT and Magnetic Resonance Imaging MRI stacks and using them to construct a three-dimensional mesh surface of the underlying geometry to a high ...
Gallbladder function is routinely assessed using ultrasonographic (USG) examinations. In clinical practice, doctors very often analyse the gallbladder shape when diagnosing selected disorders, e.g. if there are turns or folds of the gallbladder, so ...
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