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10.1145/2487575.2487646acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PageskddConference Proceedingsconference-collections

Combining latent factor model with location features for event-based group recommendation

Published: 11 August 2013 Publication History


Groups play an essential role in many social websites which promote users' interactions and accelerate the diffusion of information. Recommending groups that users are really interested to join is significant for both users and social media. While traditional group recommendation problem has been extensively studied, we focus on a new type of the problem, i.e., event-based group recommendation. Unlike the other forms of groups, users join this type of groups mainly for participating offline events organized by group members or inviting other users to attend events sponsored by them. These characteristics determine that previously proposed approaches for group recommendation cannot be adapted to the new problem easily as they ignore the geographical influence and other explicit features of groups and users.
In this paper, we propose a method called Pairwise Tag enhAnced and featuRe-based Matrix factorIzation for Group recommendAtioN (PTARMIGAN), which considers location features, social features, and implicit patterns simultaneously in a unified model. More specifically, we exploit matrix factorization to model interactions between users and groups. Meanwhile, we incorporate their profile information into pairwise enhanced latent factors respectively. We also utilize the linear model to capture explicit features. Due to the reinforcement between explicit features and implicit patterns, our approach can provide better group recommendations. We conducted a comprehensive performance evaluation on real word data sets and the experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of our method.


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  1. Combining latent factor model with location features for event-based group recommendation



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        cover image ACM Conferences
        KDD '13: Proceedings of the 19th ACM SIGKDD international conference on Knowledge discovery and data mining
        August 2013
        1534 pages
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        Published: 11 August 2013


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        1. event-based group recommendation
        2. latent factor model
        3. location feature


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