It is an honor to introduce the technical program for the 2nd International workshop on Hardware and Architectural Support for Security and Privacy (HASP 2013). This year's program includes papers and abstracts on a broad set of topics in hardware security.
HASP 2013 received many submissions worldwide. We assigned 3 Program Committee (PC) members to review each submitted paper. The PC members explicitly assigned a grade to each paper they reviewed. The whole review process was double blind. All of the PC members showed a very high degree of professionalism and fairness in their reviews. Some papers received additional reviews to resolve conflicting scores.
Proceeding Downloads
Red team vs. blue team hardware trojan analysis: detection of a hardware trojan on an actual ASIC
We infiltrate the ASIC development chain by inserting a small denial-of-service (DoS) hardware Trojan at the fabrication design phase into an existing VLSI circuit, thereby simulating an adversary at a semiconductor foundry. Both the genuine and the ...
Side channel vulnerability metrics: the promise and the pitfalls
Side-channels enable attackers to break a cipher by exploiting observable information from the cipher program's execution to infer its secret key. While some defenses have been proposed to protect information leakage due to certain side channels, the ...
Security testing of a secure cache design
Cache side channel attacks are attacks that leak secret information through physical implementation of cryptographic operations, nullifying cryptographic protection. Recently, these attacks have received great interest. Previous research found that ...
Evaluation of delay PUFs on CMOS 65 nm technology: ASIC vs FPGA
This paper presents a comparative study of delay Physically Unclonable Functions (PUFs) designed in CMOS-65nm technology platforms: ASIC and FPGA (Xilinx Virtex-5). The performances are analyzed for two types of silicon PUFs, namely the arbiter and the ...
Secure memories resistant to both random errors and fault injection attacks using nonlinear error correction codes
Memories used in cryptographic devices are vulnerable to fault injection attacks. To mitigate the danger of these attacks, error control codes are often used in memories to detect maliciously injected faults. Most of codes proposed for memories in ...
Micro-architectural support for metadata coherence in multi-core dynamic information flow tracking
Dynamic information flow tracking (DIFT) has shown to be an effective security measure for detecting both memory corruption attacks and semantic attacks at run-time on a wild range of systems from embedded systems and mobile devices to cloud computing. ...
Practical template-algebraic side channel attacks with extremely low data complexity
Template-based Tolerant Algebraic Side Channel Attacks (Template-TASCA) were suggested in [20] as a way of reducing the high data complexity of template attacks by coupling them with algebraic side-channel attacks. In contrast to the maximum-likelihood ...
Unraveling timewarp: what all the fuzz is about?
Timing attacks are a threat to networked computing systems especially the emerging cloud computing infrastructures. The precision timestamp counters present in modern microprocessors is a popularly used side channel source for timing information. These ...
Side-channel indistinguishability
We introduce a masking strategy for hardware that prevents any side-channel attacker from recovering uniquely the secret key of a cryptographic device. In this masking scheme, termed homomorphic, the sensitive data is exclusive-ored with a random value ...
Innovative instructions and software model for isolated execution
- Frank McKeen,
- Ilya Alexandrovich,
- Alex Berenzon,
- Carlos V. Rozas,
- Hisham Shafi,
- Vedvyas Shanbhogue,
- Uday R. Savagaonkar
For years the PC community has struggled to provide secure solutions on open platforms. Intel has developed innovative new technology to enable SW developers to develop and deploy secure applications on open platforms. The technology enables ...
Using innovative instructions to create trustworthy software solutions
Software developers face a number of challenges when creating applications that attempt to keep important data confidential. Even with diligent attention paid to correct software design and implementation practices, secrets can still be exposed through ...
Index Terms
- Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Hardware and Architectural Support for Security and Privacy
Acceptance Rates
Year | Submitted | Accepted | Rate |
HASP '13 | 13 | 9 | 69% |
Overall | 13 | 9 | 69% |