Cited By
View all- Ruan TXue LWang HHu FZhao LDing J(2016)Building and Exploring an Enterprise Knowledge Graph for Investment AnalysisThe Semantic Web – ISWC 201610.1007/978-3-319-46547-0_35(418-436)Online publication date: 17-Oct-2016
Data driven Knowledge Graph is rapidly adapted by different societies. Many open domain and specific domain knowledge graphs have been constructed, and many industries have benefited from knowledge graph. Currently, enterprise related knowledge graph is ...
The rising popularity of social media in the enterprise presents new opportunities for one of the organization's most important needs--expertise location. Social media data can be very useful for expertise mining due to the variety of existing ...
This talk reviews several of the recent studies conducted by the Social Technologies group at IBM Research-Haifa, which demonstrate the use of social analytics tools to extract value of enterprise social media. From recommender systems, through activity ...
Association for Computing Machinery
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