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10.1145/2491832.2491834acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagessiggraphConference Proceedingsconference-collections

An interactive system for set reconstruction from multiple input sources

Published: 20 July 2013 Publication History


Visual effects pipelines typically require accurate set and environment geometry. However, the type and quality of data obtained on set during production are typically outside the control of the post-production visual effects crew. We present a photogrammetry system which is flexible with respect to input data, and with respect to the specific needs of a shot. Geometry can be reconstructed from a set of input images, which can include a combination of perspective images and spherical images. Direct geometry inputs (e.g. LIDAR scans or Kinect depth maps) can also be integrated into the reconstruction. Alternatively, a pre-existing model can be refined to conform to input imagery, preserving mesh topology if desired, or adaptively re-meshed according to local detail. This process can be guided interactively, to efficiently produce satisfactory geometry though the form and quality of input data may vary.

Supplementary Material

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DigiPro '13: Proceedings of the Symposium on Digital Production
July 2013
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 20 July 2013


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  1. computer vision
  2. interactive techniques
  3. photogrammetry


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DigiPro '13
DigiPro '13: The Digital Production Symposium
July 20, 2013
California, Anaheim


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