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Cellular automata based test data generation

Published: 12 July 2013 Publication History


Manual Test Data Generation is an expensive, error prone and tedious task. Therefore, there is an immediate need to make the automation of this process as efficient and effective as possible. The work presented intends to automate the process of Test Data Generation with a goal of attaining maximum coverage. A Cellular Automata system is discrete in space and time. Cellular Automata have been applied to things like designing water distribution systems and studying the patterns of migration. This fascinating technique has been amalgamated with standard test data generation techniques to give rise to a technique which generates better test cases than the existing techniques. The approach has been verified on programs selected in accordance with their Lines of Code and utility. The results obtained have been verified. The proposed work is a part of a larger system being developed, which takes into account both black box and white box testing.


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cover image ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes
ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes  Volume 38, Issue 4
July 2013
185 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 12 July 2013
Published in SIGSOFT Volume 38, Issue 4

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  1. autocorrelation
  2. cellular automata
  3. path coverage
  4. test data generation
  5. testing


  • Research-article


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