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Using mobile technology for inter-organisational collaboration and end-customer integration

Published: 04 September 2013 Publication History


The pace of technological and social change profoundly impacts the manufacturing and service industry and determines an important driver for competitiveness. The EU Project ComVantage aims at addressing the limitations of the existing manufacturing ICT infrastructure by making use of the advantages of mobile and semantic technology. Along the use case of a micro company working in the textile industry we present our vision of how small companies can leverage their ability to compete in a global market by collaborating together as a virtual factory, and how they can offer innovative services by integrating their end-customers' knowledge. We use lightweight and affordable mobile technology as infrastructure for connecting data from different business partners including the customers and present a new approach for building industrial mobile applications. Semantic technologies allow easy integration of different data sources and high flexibility, therefore we apply Linked Data principles for easily retrieving, exchanging and publishing information about products, user generated content or public information from the Linked Open Data web.


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  • (2013)OntoSketchProceedings of the 13th International Conference on Knowledge Management and Knowledge Technologies10.1145/2494188.2494216(1-8)Online publication date: 4-Sep-2013



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  • Graz University of Technology: Graz University of Technology


Association for Computing Machinery

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Published: 04 September 2013


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