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Feel different on the Java platform: the star programming language

Published: 11 September 2013 Publication History


Star is a functional, multi-paradigm and extensible programming language that runs on the Java platform. Starview Inc. developed the language as an integral part of the Starview Enterprise Platform, a framework for real-time business applications such as factory scheduling and data analytics. Star borrows from many languages, with obvious heritage from Haskell, ML, and April, but also contains new approaches to some design aspects, such as syntax and syntactic extensibility, actors, and queries. Its texture is quite different from that of other languages on the Java platform. Despite this, the learning curve for Java programmers is surprisingly shallow. The combination of a powerful type system (which includes type inference, constrained polymorphism, and existentials) and syntactic extensibility make the Star well-suited to producing embedded domain-specific languages. This paper gives an overview of the language, and reports on some aspects of its design process, on our experience on using it in industrial projects, and on our experience implementing Star on the Java platform.


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  • (2021)A Study of Call Graph Construction for JVM-Hosted LanguagesIEEE Transactions on Software Engineering10.1109/TSE.2019.295692547:12(2644-2666)Online publication date: 1-Dec-2021



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cover image ACM Conferences
PPPJ '13: Proceedings of the 2013 International Conference on Principles and Practices of Programming on the Java Platform: Virtual Machines, Languages, and Tools
September 2013
188 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

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Published: 11 September 2013


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  1. actors
  2. compilation
  3. functional programming
  4. multiparadigm programming


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PPPJ '13
PPPJ '13: virtual machines, languages, and tools
September 11 - 13, 2013
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  • (2021)A Study of Call Graph Construction for JVM-Hosted LanguagesIEEE Transactions on Software Engineering10.1109/TSE.2019.295692547:12(2644-2666)Online publication date: 1-Dec-2021

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