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DigiTaps: eyes-free number entry on touchscreens with minimal audio feedback

Published: 08 October 2013 Publication History


Eyes-free input usually relies on audio feedback that can be difficult to hear in noisy environments. We present DigiTaps, an eyes-free number entry method for touchscreen devices that requires little auditory attention. To enter a digit, users tap or swipe anywhere on the screen with one, two, or three fingers. The 10 digits are encoded by combinations of these gestures that relate to the digits' semantics. For example, the digit 2 is input with a 2-finger tap. We conducted a longitudinal evaluation with 16 people and found that DigiTaps with no audio feedback was faster but less accurate than with audio feedback after every input. Throughout the study, participants entered numbers with no audio feedback at an average rate of 0.87 characters per second, with an uncorrected error rate of 5.63%.


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UIST '13: Proceedings of the 26th annual ACM symposium on User interface software and technology
October 2013
558 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

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Published: 08 October 2013


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  1. blind
  2. eyes-free text entry
  3. mobile devices.
  4. touchscreen


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