Cited By
View all- Li WJoo JQi HZhu S(2017)Joint Image-Text News Topic Detection and Tracking by Multimodal Topic And-Or GraphIEEE Transactions on Multimedia10.1109/TMM.2016.261627919:2(367-381)Online publication date: 1-Feb-2017
Proactive recommender systems push recommendations to users without their explicit request whenever a recommendation that suits a user is available. These systems strive to optimize the match between recommended items and users' preferences. We assume ...
Traditional single-rating recommender systems have been successful in a number of personalization applications, but the research area of multicriteria recommender systems has been largely untouched. Taking full advantage of multicriteria ratings in ...
Prior research has shown a robust effect of personalized product recommendations on user preference judgments for items. Specifically, the display of system-predicted preference ratings as item recommendations has been shown in multiple studies to bias ...
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