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Building structures from classifiers for passage reranking

Published: 27 October 2013 Publication History


This paper shows that learning to rank models can be applied to automatically learn complex patterns, such as relational semantic structures occurring in questions and their answer passages. This is achieved by providing the learning algorithm with a tree representation derived from the syntactic trees of questions and passages connected by relational tags, where the latter are again provided by the means of automatic classifiers, i.e., question and focus classifiers and Named Entity Recognizers. This way effective structural relational patterns are implicitly encoded in the representation and can be automatically utilized by powerful machine learning models such as kernel methods.
We conduct an extensive experimental evaluation of our models on well-known benchmarks from the question answer (QA) track of TREC challenges. The comparison with state-of-the-art systems and BM25 show a relative improvement in MAP of more than 14% and 45%, respectively. Further comparison on the task restricted to the answer sentence reranking shows an improvement in MAP of more than 8% over the state of the art.


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    1. kernel methods
    2. learning to rank
    3. question answering
    4. structural kernels


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