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10.1145/2505515.2507870acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagescikmConference Proceedingsconference-collections

Exploiting query term correlation for list caching in web search engines

Published: 27 October 2013 Publication History


Caching technologies have been widely employed to boost the performance of Web search engines. Motivated by the correlation between terms in query logs from a commercial search engine, we explore the idea of a caching scheme based on pairs of terms, rather than individual terms (which is the typical approach used by search engines today). We propose an inverted list caching policy, based on the Least Recently Used method, in which the co-occurring correlation between terms in the query stream is accounted for when deciding on which terms to keep in the cache. We consider not only the term co-occurrence within the same query but also the co-occurrence between separate queries. Experimental results show that the proposed approach can improve not only the cache hit ratio but also the overall throughput of the system when compared to existing list caching algorithms.


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Cited By

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  • (2016)Power Law Distributions in Information RetrievalACM Transactions on Information Systems10.1145/281681534:2(1-37)Online publication date: 16-Feb-2016
  • (2014)Towards a Framework for Supporting Web Search of Complex Objects via Multidimensional ParadigmsProceedings of the 2014 14th International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications10.1109/ICCSA.2014.49(217-220)Online publication date: 30-Jun-2014

Index Terms

  1. Exploiting query term correlation for list caching in web search engines



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    cover image ACM Conferences
    CIKM '13: Proceedings of the 22nd ACM international conference on Information & Knowledge Management
    October 2013
    2612 pages
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    Association for Computing Machinery

    New York, NY, United States

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    Published: 27 October 2013


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    1. list caching
    2. query logs
    3. search engines
    4. term co-occurrence


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    CIKM'13: 22nd ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management
    October 27 - November 1, 2013
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    • (2016)Power Law Distributions in Information RetrievalACM Transactions on Information Systems10.1145/281681534:2(1-37)Online publication date: 16-Feb-2016
    • (2014)Towards a Framework for Supporting Web Search of Complex Objects via Multidimensional ParadigmsProceedings of the 2014 14th International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications10.1109/ICCSA.2014.49(217-220)Online publication date: 30-Jun-2014

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