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View all- Ren XSilpasuwanchai CCahill J(2019)Human-Engaged Computing: the future of Human–Computer InteractionCCF Transactions on Pervasive Computing and Interaction10.1007/s42486-019-00007-0Online publication date: 4-Apr-2019
Interpretations of the concept of "affordances" in HCI are becoming increasingly diverse, extending well beyond the original Gibsonian meaning. We discuss some of the key analyses of affordances in HCI research and make three related claims. First, we ...
Currently, the United Nations High Commissioner for refugees estimates that there are around 65.8 million forcibly displaced people worldwide [16]. As digital technologies have become more available, humanitarian researchers and organizations have begun ...
Toolkits enable individuals to create and design their own technologies. With more toolkits being commercially available, movements such as the Maker Movements has led to a hype around Do-It-Yourself and Making practices. This development aligns with ...
Association for Computing Machinery
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