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DLS '13: Proceedings of the 9th symposium on Dynamic languages
ACM2013 Proceeding
  • Association for Computing Machinery
  • New York
  • NY
  • United States
SPLASH '13: Conference on Systems, Programming, and Applications: Software for Humanity Indianapolis Indiana USA 28 October 2013
28 October 2013
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It is our great pleasure to welcome you to Indianapolis and the 2013 Dynamic Languages Symposium! This year's symposium -- the 9th in the series -- continues the tradition of communicating research results in the design, implementation, and application of dynamic languages. We are happy to report that the overall quality of this year's submissions was particularly high. Out of a total of 22 submissions, the program committee accepted 9 papers whose topics range from optimization to modularity, language semantics, and security. The program also includes an invited talk by Mario Wolczko on "VMs I Have Known And/Or Loved". Beyond the formal program, we hope this year's DLS will, like its predecessors, be a valuable forum for sharing ideas with other dynamic language researchers and practitioners from institutions around the world. Thank you for being part of this exciting community, and once again, welcome!

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SESSION: Research papers 1
TeJaS: retrofitting type systems for JavaScript

JavaScript programs vary widely in functionality, complexity, and use, and analyses of these programs must accommodate such variations. Type-based analyses are typically the simplest such analyses, but due to the language's subtle idioms and many ...

Type refinement for static analysis of JavaScript

Static analysis of JavaScript has proven useful for a variety of purposes, including optimization, error checking, security auditing, program refactoring, and more. We propose a technique called type refinement that can improve the precision of such ...

Cast insertion strategies for gradually-typed objects

Gradual typing enables a smooth and progressive integration of static and dynamic typing. The semantics of a gradually-typed program is given by translation to an intermediate language with casts: runtime type checks that control the boundaries between ...

SESSION: Research papers 2
Improved type specialization for dynamic scripting languages

Type feedback and type inference are two common methods used to optimize dynamic languages such as JavaScript. Each of these methods has its own strengths and weaknesses, and we propose that each can benefit from the other if combined in the right way. ...

Efficient dynamic access analysis using JavaScript proxies

JSConTest introduced the notions of effect monitoring and dynamic effect inference for JavaScript. It enables the description of effects with path specifications resembling regular expressions. It is implemented by an offline source code transformation.


Polymorphic identifiers: uniform resource access in objective-smalltalk

In object-oriented programming, polymorphic dispatch of operations decouples clients from specific providers of services and allows implementations to be modified or substituted without affecting clients.

The Uniform Access Principle (UAP) tries to ...

SESSION: Research papers 3
All about the with statement in JavaScript: removing with statements in JavaScript applications

The with statement in JavaScript makes static analysis of JavaScript applications difficult by introducing a new scope at run time and thus invalidating lexical scoping. Therefore, many static approaches to JavaScript program analysis and the strict ...

Optimizing MATLAB feval with dynamic techniques

MATLAB is a popular dynamic array-based language used by engineers, scientists and students worldwide. The built-in function feval is an important MATLAB feature for certain classes of numerical programs and solvers which benefit from having functions ...

Whalesong: running racket in the browser

JavaScript is the language of the ubiquitous Web, but it only poorly supports event-driven functional programs due to its single-threaded, asynchronous nature and lack of rich control flow operators. We present Whalesong, a compiler from Racket that ...

  • The Australian National University
  • University of Italian Switzerland
  • King's College London
Index terms have been assigned to the content through auto-classification.


Acceptance Rates

DLS '13 Paper Acceptance Rate 9 of 22 submissions, 41%;
Overall Acceptance Rate 32 of 77 submissions, 42%
DLS '14281346%
DLS '1322941%
DLS '09271037%