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MAED '13: Proceedings of the 2nd ACM international workshop on Multimedia analysis for ecological data
ACM2013 Proceeding
  • Association for Computing Machinery
  • New York
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  • United States
MM '13: ACM Multimedia Conference Barcelona Spain 22 October 2013
22 October 2013
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It is our great pleasure to welcome you to the 2nd ACM International Workshop on Multimedia Analysis for Ecological Data (MAED'13) held within ACM Multimedia 2013, in Barcelona, Spain.

MAED'13 brings together a cross-disciplinary crowd of people in order to investigate current and emerging topics within ecological multimedia data analysis. The workshop, in particular, outlines the state of the research on the most recent methods for the processing and interpretation of multimedia data recorded for monitoring ecological systems.

In total, the Program Committee accepted 7 papers (over 12 submitted papers) covering the following topics: Animal detection and recognition by processing image, video and audio data; fish and marine environment monitoring; benchmarking and user-appreciation of ecological multimedia technologies and applications in biogeography.

The workshop also features two keynote talks: 1) "Collection and Analysis of Two Complex Ecological Datasets" given by Prof. Robert Fisher from the School of Informatics, University of Edinburgh, and 2) "Understanding Animal Flight with Three-dimensional and Infrared Computer Vision" delivered by Prof. Margrit Betke from Boston University.

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SESSION: Keynote address
Understanding animal flight with three-dimensional and infrared computer vision: invited keynote talk

Analysis of bird and bat flight with computer vision algorithms provides a new perspective on how animals move through three-dimensional space. This is important for understanding the intricacies of flight and the interactions of airborne animals that ...

SESSION: Paper session 1
Acoustic detection of elephant presence in noisy environments

The automated acoustic detection of elephants is an important factor in alleviating the human-elephant conflict in Asia and Africa. In this paper, we present a method for the automated detection of elephant presence and evaluate it on a large dataset of ...

Cross-modal alignment for wildlife recognition

We propose an unsupervised framework for recognizing animals in videos using subtitles. In this framework, the alignment between animals and their names is performed using an Expectation Maximization algorithm which is adapted to two very different ...

A video processing and data retrieval framework for fish population monitoring

In this work we present a framework for fish population monitoring through the analysis of underwater videos. We specifically focus on the user information needs, and on the dynamic data extraction and retrieval mechanisms that support them. ...

SESSION: Keynote address
Collection and analysis of two complex ecological datasets

The talk will present an overview of the data acquisition and analysis from the ChiRoPing and Fish4Knowledge EU funded research projects.

SESSION: Paper session 2
The imageCLEF plant identification task 2013

This paper presents a synthesis of ImageCLEF 2013 plant identification task, a system-oriented testbed dedicated to the evaluation of image-based plant identification technologies. With 12 participating groups coming from over 9 countries and 33 ...

Smart multi-modal marine monitoring via visual analysis and data fusion

Estuaries and coastal areas contain increasingly exploited resources that need to be monitored, managed and protected efficiently and effectively. This requires access to reliable and timely data and management decisions must be based on analysis of ...

KOKOPIN app: a mobile platform for biogeography

KOKOPIN is a social platform enabling field research of biodiversity using an iPhone application. Our application's camera and meta-data tagging functions facilitate easy data collection. Customizable groups are another unique feature of this system.


A case study of trust issues in scientific video collections

In-situ video recording of underwater ecosystems is able to provide valuable information for biology research and natural resources management, e.g. changes in species abundance. Searching the videos manually, however, requires costly human effort. Our ...

  • University of Catania
  • Information Technologies Institute
  • University of Amsterdam
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Acceptance Rates

MAED '13 Paper Acceptance Rate 7 of 12 submissions, 58%;
Overall Acceptance Rate 13 of 23 submissions, 57%
MAED '1411655%
MAED '1312758%