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Advancing the IT research agenda

Published: 01 October 2013 Publication History


The potential benefits of pursuing an intentional community-wide development of a research agenda for IT are discussed. Motivation to undertake this task arises from the continuing evolution of IT as a distinct discipline. There is an opportunity to mark progress by developing an IT research agenda that has broad involvement from the community. Alternative formats for an agenda are discussed and potential research topic areas are proposed, drawing upon prior contributions. To help inform the discussion, 24 other research agendas are profiled, providing useful examples of agenda-development processes and alternative formats for the recommended IT research agenda.


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  • (2016)Computer Science PhD Program Evaluation Proposal Based on Domain and Non-domain CharacteristicsInformation Systems Architecture and Technology: Proceedings of 36th International Conference on Information Systems Architecture and Technology – ISAT 2015 – Part III10.1007/978-3-319-28564-1_15(177-187)Online publication date: 24-Feb-2016



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RIIT '13: Proceedings of the 2nd annual conference on Research in information technology
October 2013
102 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

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Published: 01 October 2013


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October 10 - 12, 2013
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  • (2016)Computer Science PhD Program Evaluation Proposal Based on Domain and Non-domain CharacteristicsInformation Systems Architecture and Technology: Proceedings of 36th International Conference on Information Systems Architecture and Technology – ISAT 2015 – Part III10.1007/978-3-319-28564-1_15(177-187)Online publication date: 24-Feb-2016

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