Cited By
View all- Reinschluessel ATeuber JHerrlich MBissel Jvan Eikeren MGanser JKoeller FKollasch FMildner TRaimondo LReisig LRuedel MThieme DVahl TZachmann GMalaka RMark GFussell SLampe Cschraefel mHourcade JAppert CWigdor D(2017)Virtual Reality for User-Centered Design and Evaluation of Touch-free Interaction Techniques for Navigating Medical Images in the Operating RoomProceedings of the 2017 CHI Conference Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems10.1145/3027063.3053173(2001-2009)Online publication date: 6-May-2017
- Nacenta MHancock MGutwin CCarpendale S(2016)The Effects of Changing Projection Geometry on Perception of 3D Objects on and Around TabletopsACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction10.1145/284508123:2(1-54)Online publication date: 28-May-2016