Cited By
View all- Safarov IMeijer AGrimmelikhuijsen S(2017)Utilization of open government data: A systematic literature review of types, conditions, effects and usersInformation Polity10.3233/IP-16001222:1(1-24)Online publication date: 12-May-2017
Literature has highlighted the potential of information and communication technology (ICT) in building new models of public governance that promote fairness and accountability, which are key requirements in the fight against corruption. In this context, ...
Corruption has emerged as a well-debated subject against the backdrop of electronic government (e-government). While e-government has attained a level of sophistication in leading countries, there are countries for which going digital ...
The right to social control of the government refers to the monitoring of the formulation of policies and initiatives of government by citizens and their social organizations. This category of rights creates conditions for the establishment of relations ...
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