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Challenges in compiler construction for secure two-party computation

Published: 04 November 2013 Publication History


The problem of secure two-party computation has received great attention in the years that followed its introduction by Yao. The solutions proposed follow one of the two research directions of either using homomorphic encryption techniques or implementing Yao's "Garbled Circuit" solution. The latter requires circuits to implement a given functionality. Recently, the compiler CBMC-GC was introduced, the first compiler capable of translating programs written in a general purpose language (ANSI-C) into circuits suitable for secure two-party computation. In this paper, we discuss the current limitations of CBMC-GC and propose directions for future research.


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Index Terms

  1. Challenges in compiler construction for secure two-party computation



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      cover image ACM Conferences
      PETShop '13: Proceedings of the First ACM workshop on Language support for privacy-enhancing technologies
      November 2013
      36 pages
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      Association for Computing Machinery

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      Published: 04 November 2013


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      1. compiler construction
      2. garbled circuits
      3. secure two-party computation


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