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Video analysis of approach-avoidance behaviors of teenagers speaking with virtual agents

Published: 09 December 2013 Publication History


Analysis of non-verbal behaviors in HCI allows understanding how individuals apprehend and adapt to different situations of interaction. This seems particularly relevant when considering tasks such as speaking in a foreign language, which is known to elicit anxiety. This is even truer for young users for whom negative pedagogical feedbacks might have a strong negative impact on their motivation to learn.
In this paper, we consider the approach-avoidance behaviors of teenagers speaking with virtual agents when using an e-learning platform for learning English. We designed an algorithm for processing the video of these teenagers outside laboratory conditions (e.g. a classical collective classroom in a secondary school) using a webcam. This algorithm processes the video of the user and computes the inter-ocular distance. The anxiety of the users is also collected with questionnaires.
Results show that the inter-ocular distance enables to discriminate between approach and avoidance behaviors of teenagers reacting to positive or negative stimulus. This simple metric collected via video processing enables to detect an approach behavior related to a positive stimulus and an avoidance behavior related to a negative stimulus. Furthermore, we observed that these automatically detected approach-avoidance behaviors are correlated with anxiety.


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ICMI '13: Proceedings of the 15th ACM on International conference on multimodal interaction
December 2013
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Association for Computing Machinery

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Published: 09 December 2013


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  1. anxiety
  2. approach-avoidance behavior
  3. e-learning platform
  4. inter-ocular distance
  5. video processing
  6. virtual agent interaction


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