Cited By
View all- Khan Y(2013)Optimizing Verification of Structurally Evolving Algebraic Petri NetsSoftware Engineering for Resilient Systems10.1007/978-3-642-40894-6_6(64-78)Online publication date: 2013
This paper considers conceptual modelling for three purposes namely data modelling, knowledge modelling and ontology modelling. It differentiates between the nature of the conceptual models for these three. It then proposes a representation suitable for ...
We motivate and study the reduction of a kind of time Petri net. Petri net reduction can avoid the state exploration problem by guaranteeing the correctness in the Petri net. For systems specified in time Petri nets, this paper proposes a set of ...
Fehling's hierarchical Petri nets are a net modelling framework based on refinement and abstraction of nets. Object Petri nets are a Petri net-based method of encapsulation. We bring these two domains together in the new concept of hierarchical object ...
Association for Computing Machinery
New York, NY, United States
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