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View all- Zhang LZhang LJin CTang ZWu JZhang L(2022)Elderly-Oriented Improvement of Mobile Applications Based on Self-Determination TheoryInternational Journal of Human–Computer Interaction10.1080/10447318.2022.213126440:5(1071-1086)Online publication date: 16-Nov-2022
- Abdullah Sani ZMohd Nizam DBaharum A(2021)Participatory Design: Apps from The Older Adults to The Older AdultsPertanika Journal of Science and Technology10.47836/pjst.29.4.3529:4Online publication date: 29-Oct-2021
- Restyandito Kurniawan EWidagdo T(2019)Mobile Application Menu Design for Elderly in Indonesia with Cognitive ConsiderationJournal of Physics: Conference Series10.1088/1742-6596/1196/1/0120581196(012058)Online publication date: 15-Apr-2019
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