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CTP: An efficient, robust, and reliable collection tree protocol for wireless sensor networks

Published: 06 December 2013 Publication History


We describe CTP, a collection routing protocol for wireless sensor networks. CTP uses three techniques to provide efficient, robust, and reliable routing in highly dynamic network conditions. CTP's link estimator accurately estimates link qualities by using feedback from both the data and control planes, using information from multiple layers through narrow, platform-independent interfaces. Second, CTP uses the Trickle algorithm to time the control traffic, sending few beacons in stable topologies yet quickly adapting to changes. Finally, CTP actively probes the topology with data traffic, quickly discovering and fixing routing failures. Through experiments on 13 different testbeds, encompassing seven platforms, six link layers, and multiple densities and frequencies, and detailed observations of a long-running sensor network application that uses CTP, we study how these three techniques contribute to CTP's overall performance.


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      ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks  Volume 10, Issue 1
      November 2013
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      Published: 06 December 2013
      Accepted: 01 February 2013
      Revised: 01 January 2013
      Received: 01 October 2012
      Published in TOSN Volume 10, Issue 1


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      1. Wireless sensor network
      2. adaptive beaconing
      3. datapath validation
      4. link-quality estimation
      5. routing
      6. wireless network protocol


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