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Towards runtime model based integrated management of cloud resources
Although there are many management systems, Cloud management still faces with great challenges, due to the diversity of Cloud resources and ever-changing management requirements. Integration and adaptation become important for constructing a cloud ...
A cooperation model towards the internet of applications
As Internet is changing from a network of data into a network of functionalities, a federated Internet of applications is a natural trending topic, where every application can cooperate with each other smoothly to serve users. Cooperation can be ...
A preliminary study on requirements modeling methods for self-adaptive software systems
Internetware denotes a kind of complex distributed software system, which executes in an open, uncertain and dynamic environment, and adapts itself to changes in the environment. An important problem related to the development of Internetware ...
Presence-pattern aware service selection and composition in a smart space
Service composition provides supports for automatic construction of required services on the fly from component services provided by different providers. In a smart space, as new providers may come in and existing ones may leave from time to time, the ...
Extending autonomic architecture for constructing internetware system
The scale and complexity of modern software systems keep increasing, especially in the context of Internet. An emerging software paradigm named Internetware was proposed to handle openness, dynamism of software systems in the context of Internet. An ...
A distributed rule execution mechanism based on MapReduce in sematic web reasoning
Rule execution is the core step of rule-based semantic web reasoning. However, most existing approaches are centralized, which cannot scale out to reason big semantic web datasets. In this paper, we described a kind of semantic web rule execution ...
Elastic resource management for heterogeneous applications on PaaS
Elastic resource management is one of the key characteristics of cloud computing systems. Existing elastic approaches focus mainly on single resource consumption such as CPU consumption, rarely considering comprehensively various features of ...
A scalable crawler framework for FLOSS data
Free / Libre / Open Source Software (FLOSS) data, such as bug reports, mailing lists and related webpages, contains valuable information for reusing open source software projects. Before conducting further experiment on FLOSS data, researchers often ...
Mining and recommending software features across multiple web repositories
The "Internetware" paradigm is fundamentally changing the traditional way of software development. More and more software projects are developed, maintained and shared on the Internet. However, a large quantity of heterogeneous software resources have ...
Accelerate MapReduce on GPUs with multi-level reduction
With Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) becoming more and more popular in general purpose computing, more attentions have been paid on building a framework to provide convenient interfaces for GPU programming. MapReduce can greatly simplify the ...
Towards an SLA-Driven cache adjustment approach for applications on PaaS
Cloud computing encourages application to migrate into it for economic of scale, where they rent shared resources to deliver services. Service Level Agreements(SLA) plays an important role in assisting various applications providing high-quality ...
A probability based algorithm for influence maximization in social networks
In a social network, information runs from word-of-mouth based on the relationship of the users. The influence maximization is to find a limited number of initial users (nodes) to spread the information, so that the maximum number of other users could ...
b-bit minwise hashing in practice
Minwise hashing is a standard technique in the context of search for approximating set similarities. The recent work [26, 32] demonstrated a potential use of b-bit minwise hashing [23, 24] for efficient search and learning on massive, high-dimensional, ...
AppMobiCloud: improving mobile web applications by mobile-cloud convergence
Benefitting from advanced web technologies like JavaScript, CSS3 and HTML5, current web applications can provide ever richer functionalities and user experiences, on both PC and mobile devices like tablet computers and smartphones. Furthermore, they can ...
Challenges in developing software for cyber-physical systems
Cyber-physical systems are systems that integrate the digital computational world with the real physical world, often using sensors and actuators as interfaces. There exist many application domains of cyber-physical systems such as autonomous systems, ...
Research and design of the firewall penetration technology serving to distributed cloud resource
In current cloud systems, firewall penetration of distributed resource is a practical problem. Because this problem refers the existing TCP and UDP penetration schemes, we analyze all kinds of possible transmission environments in practical applications,...
QoS collection for web services based on WS-monitor model
QoS information is often used as the basic evidence for Web services optimization. In order to collect QoS information of Web services, we propose a lightweight Server-Monitor framework. This proposal contains a WS-Monitor Model related to metamodel of ...
Mining user daily behavior patterns from access logs of massive software and websites
Everyone has a characteristic pattern of daily activities. This study applies cluster analysis to identify a computer user's daily behavior patterns based on 1000 China users' 4-weeks software and web usage. Clustering models are built for 4 different ...
MR-runner: a modularized map-reduce job management tool
Map-Reduce is a powerful solution for processing and analyzing large-scale data. Just as Hadoop and Spark are able to deal with terabyte data and even more. Users only need to complete "map" and "reduce" function, the Map-Reduce framework can finish ...
Composition of monitoring components for on-demand construction of runtime model based on model synthesis
Monitoring functionality is implemented and provided as infrastructure of most software platforms and applications. However, the construction of system model cannot be achieved by directly composing runtime model of different applications. First, models ...
A multidimensional data model for TPC-DS benchmarking
To evaluate the performance of OLAP engines, adapted benchmarks have been developed in the industry. In this paper, we propose a multidimensional model with cube structure for data analytic system benchmarking based on TPC-DS. A number of analytic ...
The analysis of the behavior patterns of components (intelligent sensors) in the IoT-oriented internetware
Nowadays the concept of IoT is blooming, and the front-end of IoT applications, which is made up by intelligent sensors (here we call them mote), can be seen as a kind of Internetware (here we call this kind of Internetware "mote applications"). ...
PathART: path-sensitive adaptive random testing
As test data widely spreading on the input domain may not thoroughly test the program's logic, in this paper, we propose an approach to generating test data widely spreading on a program's execution paths. In particular, we analyze execution paths of ...
Towards an operating system for the campus
Almost every computing device runs an operating system, which is responsible for managing different resources on the device and providing higher-level programming abstractions. This paper proposes CampusOS, an operating system which is responsible for ...
Enhancing trustworthiness evaluation in internetware with similarity and non-negative constraints
Internetware is envisioned as a new software paradigm where software developers usually need to interact with unknown partners as well as the software entities developed by them. To reduce uncertainty and boost collaborations in such setting, it is ...
Empirical studies on feature selection for software fault prediction
Classification based software fault prediction methods aim to classify the modules into either fault-prone or non-fault-prone. Feature selection is a preprocess step used to improve the data quality. However most of previous research mainly focus on ...
Hybrid AADL: a sublanguage extension to AADL
AADL (Architecture Analysis and Design Language) is widely used in the area of modeling and analysis. However, it is not so convenient to describe a hybrid system with AADL. In this paper, we propose an approach to construct an annex of AADL, thus to ...
Optimizing Paxos with request exchangeability for highly available web services
There are a variety of factors such as massive commodity computers, storage, network devices and complex management tasks running behind web services which make web services not available. Replication is an effective solution in that case. There are a ...
VM image update notification mechanism based on pub/sub paradigm in cloud
Virtual machine image encapsulates the whole software stack including operating system, middleware, user application and other software products. Failure occurred in any layer of the software stack will be treated as image failure. However, virtual ...
COCO: consistency analysis of process-driven internetware applications
Processes are an effective and efficient way to construct on-demand Internetware applications. It is often needed to evaluate whether two process-driven applications are consistent, or whether the implemented process conforms to the process ...
Acceptance Rates
Year | Submitted | Accepted | Rate |
Internetware '19 | 35 | 20 | 57% |
Internetware '18 | 26 | 20 | 77% |
Internetware '13 | 50 | 15 | 30% |
Overall | 111 | 55 | 50% |