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MR-runner: a modularized map-reduce job management tool

Published: 23 October 2013 Publication History


Map-Reduce is a powerful solution for processing and analyzing large-scale data. Just as Hadoop and Spark are able to deal with terabyte data and even more. Users only need to complete "map" and "reduce" function, the Map-Reduce framework can finish variety jobs. But many machine learning and data mining algorithms cannot leverage the Map-Reduce framework or it would take large efforts to modify the algorithm itself. This issue can be explained by the following ways: 1. Map-Reduce is a batch operation so that most of Map-Reduce frameworks do not built-in to support iteration. 2. Map-Reduce is absolutely parallel, each vertex cannot obtain all records, so none of them could get the global optimal model. In this paper, we proposed a job management tool to enable the Map-Reduce framework to support iteration, called "de-parallel". This make the Map-Reduce framework like Hadoop so that Map-Reduce could run more algorithms and support more various tasks. In addition, our tool does not modify the Map-Reduce framework itself. In face MR-Runner interacts with Map-Reduce framework like a "client", therefore MR-Runner could be deployed in any single PC instead of Map-Reduce cluster. We also abstract the mainly interface related to Map-Reduce frameworks, this makes our tool portable to the representative Map-Reduce frameworks.


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cover image ACM Other conferences
Internetware '13: Proceedings of the 5th Asia-Pacific Symposium on Internetware
October 2013
211 pages
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  • NJU: Nanjing University
  • CCF: China Computer Federation
  • Chinese Academy of Sciences


Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 23 October 2013


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Author Tags

  1. iteration
  2. job management
  3. map-reduce
  4. modularization


  • Research-article

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Internetware '13
  • NJU
  • CCF

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Internetware '13 Paper Acceptance Rate 15 of 50 submissions, 30%;
Overall Acceptance Rate 55 of 111 submissions, 50%


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