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OptiqueVQS: towards an ontology-based visual query system for big data

Published: 28 October 2013 Publication History


A recent EU project, named Optique, with a strong industrial perspective, strives to enable scalable end-user access to Big Data. To this end, Optique employs an ontology-based approach, along with other techniques such as query optimisation and parallelisation, for scalable query formulation and evaluation. In this paper, we specifically focus on end-user visual query formulation, demonstrate our preliminary ontology-based visual query system (i.e., interface), and discuss initial insights for alleviating the affects of Big Data.


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Information & Contributors


Published In

cover image ACM Other conferences
MEDES '13: Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Management of Emergent Digital EcoSystems
October 2013
358 pages
  • Conference Chairs:
  • Latif Ladid,
  • Antonio Montes,
  • General Chair:
  • Peter A. Bruck,
  • Program Chairs:
  • Fernando Ferri,
  • Richard Chbeir
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  • LBBC: Luxembourg Brazil Business Council
  • IPv6 Luxembourg Council: Luxembourg IPv6 Council
  • Luxembourg Green Business Awards 2013: Luxembourg Green Business Awards 2013
  • LUXINNOVATION: Agence Nationale pour la Promotion de l Innovation et de la Recherche
  • Pro Newtech: Pro Newtech
  • CTI: Centro de Tecnologia da Informação Renato Archer



Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 28 October 2013

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Author Tags

  1. big data
  2. ontologies
  3. visual query systems


  • Research-article

Funding Sources


  • LBBC
  • IPv6 Luxembourg Council
  • Luxembourg Green Business Awards 2013
  • Pro Newtech
  • CTI

Acceptance Rates

MEDES '13 Paper Acceptance Rate 56 of 122 submissions, 46%;
Overall Acceptance Rate 267 of 682 submissions, 39%


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  • (2022)$\tau\text{JOWL}$: A Systematic Approach to Build and Evolve a Temporal OWL 2 Ontology Based on Temporal JSON Big DataBig Data Mining and Analytics10.26599/BDMA.2021.90200195:4(271-281)Online publication date: Dec-2022
  • (2021)GreedyBigVis – A greedy approach for preparing large datasets to multidimensional visualizationInternational Journal of Computers and Applications10.1080/1206212X.2021.192067044:8(760-769)Online publication date: 2-May-2021
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