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View all- Koley SAcharjya P(2022)Prevalence of Multi-Agent System Consensus in Cloud ComputingMulti Agent Systems10.1007/978-981-19-0493-6_4(55-86)Online publication date: 26-Apr-2022
The growing need to share information among independent sources is mostly satisfied by the construction of a Cooperative Information System. In our works, access schemas over physical tables or views of DBMS are described using a role-based model ...
To effectively participate in modern coalitions, member organizations must be able to share specific data and functionality with coalition partners, while ensuring that their resources are safe from inappropriate access. This requires access control ...
Nowadays, the organization of homecare arouses an increasing interest. By organization, we mean particularly the choice of the partners, distribution’s problems, tasks’ coordination, and the resolution of all participants’ resources-conflicts. The ...
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