Cited By
View all- Liu CWang JLin C(2017)The concepts of big data applied in personal knowledge managementJournal of Knowledge Management10.1108/JKM-07-2015-029821:1(213-230)Online publication date: 13-Feb-2017
- Fonseca JFerraz CGama KGal AWeidlich MKalogeraki VVenkasubramanian N(2016)A policy-based coordination architecture for distributed complex event processing in the internet of thingsProceedings of the 10th ACM International Conference on Distributed and Event-based Systems10.1145/2933267.2933431(418-421)Online publication date: 13-Jun-2016
- Lombardi FDi Pietro R(2016)Trusted, Heterogeneous, and Autonomic Mobile CloudSecure System Design and Trustable Computing10.1007/978-3-319-14971-4_14(439-455)Online publication date: 2016