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CoNEXT Student Workhop '13: Proceedings of the 2013 workshop on Student workhop
ACM2013 Proceeding
  • Association for Computing Machinery
  • New York
  • NY
  • United States
CoNEXT '13: Conference on emerging Networking Experiments and Technologies Santa Barbara California USA 9 December 2013
09 December 2013
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It is our great pleasure to welcome you to the 2013 ACM CoNEXT Student Workshop in Santa Barbara, USA. This year's workshop continues the workshop's tradition of being an engaging and interactive forum for graduate students to present their early research results and receive feedback from the networking research community. In addition to 18 student presentations, this year's workshop features keynote lectures by Nick Feamster from Georgia Tech and Aruna Seneviratne, from NICTA.

The call for papers attracted 33 submissions from students from over 34 institutions spread across 5 continents. The submissions spanned all areas of networking research including mobile networks, online privacy, content delivery, software-defined networking, network measurements, and data center networks. Most submissions received three reviews from our program committee members. The final program consists of 18 accepted papers with authors drawn from over 21 universities and research labs.

This year's workshop continues the practice of having the best papers of the workshop present their work in a special session of the main conference. We have also changed the presentation format to follow a 'mini-panel' format with students presenting their work and fielding questions together to encourage broader discussion of issues raised in their work.

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SESSION: Best papers
ndn||mem: an architecture to alleviate the memory bottleneck for named data networking

Named Data Networking (NDN), as one of the candidates for a future Internet, has the potential to overcome many of the current Internet's difficulties (e.g., security, mobility, multicasting, etc.). However, there are also many open problems to be taken ...

Don't trust traceroute (completely)

In this work, we propose a methodology based on the alias resolution process to demonstrate that the IP level view of the route provided by traceroute may be a poor representation of the real router-level route followed by the traffic. More precisely, ...

SESSION: Mobile and apps
Leveraging diversity to optimize performance in mobile networks

To cope with the rapid increase in mobile data traffic volume, mobile network operators can leverage the diversity in traffic patterns to improve network performance. In this paper, we show how can mobile network operators leverage diversity across ...

Exposing and mitigating privacy loss in crowdsourced survey platforms

Crowdsourcing platforms such as Amazon Mechanical Turk and Google Consumer Surveys can profile users based on their inputs to online surveys. In this work we first demonstrate how easily user privacy can be compromised by collating information from ...

A base station congestion-dependent pricing scheme for cellular data network

The increasing of the mobile Internet traffic generated in cellular networks has challenged Internet Service Providers (ISPs) to improve the management of their resources' usage, e.g. during hours of peak demand. Time-based pricing schemes could be used ...

Linearly scalable crowdsourced media broadcasting in the mobile cloud

In the mobile cloud (e.g. vehicular cloud), users collaborate and share images amongst different screen sizes. Similar images do not share overlapping blocks, thus deduplication is difficult if not near impossible even when two images are slightly ...

SESSION: Datacenter -- virtual network
Traffic pattern based virtual network embedding

Virtual Network Embedding (VNE) algorithms are used to find the best embedding of multiple Virtual Networks (VNs) with respect to a performance metric such as network utilization. However, most algorithms assume that the demands of the VNs are static ...

Towards impactful routing research: running your own (Emulated) as on the (Real) internet

Interdomain routing has long been primed for an overhaul. Designed for a previous era and since dragged into today's networks through complex configurations, little progress has been made on aligning interdomain routing capabilities with network ...

Parallel routing on multi-core routers for big data transfers

Over the last several years, the deployment of multi-core routers has grown rapidly. However, big data transfers are not leveraging the powerful multi-core routers to the extent possible, particularly in the key function of routing. Our main goal is to ...

SESSION: Content
A study on cache suppression control according to content popularity for in-network guidance

Content servers have become burdened by the transfer of large content sets such as high-definition video and music. To mitigate this problem, we propose a Mapping Server with Cache-location Resolution with Cache Suppression (MSCR/CS), which suppresses ...

Content and buffer aware scheduling for video delivery over LTE

We propose a content and buffer aware Long Term Evolution (LTE) downlink scheduler for allocating radio resources to multiple users requesting Scalable Video Coding (SVC) encoded videos from a server. The scheduler adaptively controls the video quality ...

A selective caching scheme based on request history in content-centric networks

Content-Centric Networks (CCNs) promise to deliver content in a better way than today's Internet. In CCNs, efficient content delivery services can be achieved by using cache storage on routers. However, an effective caching scheme in CCNs is never ...

A push-enabling scheme for live streaming system in content-centric networking

Content-Centric Networking (CCN) is a promising candidate for Future Internet architecture. This pulling-based networking scheme has a weakness about live streaming due to their request method, which means every segment of contents should be requested ...

SESSION: Measurements
Dissecting Bufferbloat: measurement and per-application breakdown of queueing delay

We propose a passive methodology to estimate the queueing delay incurred by TCP traffic, and additionally leverage DPI classification to breakdown the delay across different applications. Ultimately, we correlate the queueing delay to the performance ...

Real-time diagnosis of TCP performance in clouds

Enterprises running critical applications in the cloud expect their providers to offer good, predictable performance. However, existing TCP monitoring tools either run offline, preventing real-time adaptation to performance problems, or require ...

Diagnosing slow web page access at the client side

Transient performance anomalies when accessing websites can be hard to replicate and make it difficult to detect and remedy their root causes. We propose a tool which passively monitors browser behavior and network traffic, while actively probing the ...

MARS: measurement-based allocation of vm resources for cloud data centers

High performance data centers use virtualization technique which enables each physical server machine to host multiple virtual machines (VMs) to achieve highly efficient resource utilization. In this paper, we propose a measurement-based approach for ...

  • INRIA Saclay
  • Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation

Index Terms

  1. Proceedings of the 2013 workshop on Student workhop
      Index terms have been assigned to the content through auto-classification.
