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View all- Chang YSun SPeng J(2014)O-browsingSIGGRAPH Asia 2014 Posters10.1145/2668975.2669020(1-1)Online publication date: 24-Nov-2014
Applying uses and gratifications theory (UGT) and social capital theory, our study examined users of four social networking sites (SNSs) (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat), and their influence on online bridging and bonding social capital. ...
The increasing popularity of social media encourages more and more users to participate in various online activities and produces data in an unprecedented rate. Social media data is big, linked, noisy, highly unstructured and in- complete, and differs ...
Using a two-wave panel in Hong Kong, this study examines how different uses of mobile social media contribute to individuals' social capital and psychological well-being. Findings showed that communicative use and self-disclosure on mobile social media ...
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