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Systematic audit of third-party android phones

Published: 03 March 2014 Publication History


Android has become the leading smartphone platform with hundreds of devices from various manufacturers available on the market today. All these phones closely resemble each other with similar hardware and software features. Manufacturers must therefore customize the official Android system to differentiate their devices. Unfortunately, such heavily customization by third-party manufacturers often leads to serious vulnerabilities that do not exist in the official Android system. In this paper, we propose a comparative approach to systematically audit software in third-party phones by comparing them side-by-side to the official system. Specifically, we first retrieve pre-loaded apps and libraries from the phone and build a matching base system from the Android open source project repository. We then compare corresponding apps and libraries for potential vulnerabilities. To facilitate this process, we have designed and implemented DexDiff, a system that can pinpoint fine structural differences between two Android binaries and also present the changes in their surrounding contexts. Our experiments show that DexDiff is efficient and scalable. For example, it spends less than two and half minutes to process two 16.5MB (in total) files. DexDiff is also able to reveal a new vulnerability and details of the invasive CIQ mobile intelligence software.


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CODASPY '14: Proceedings of the 4th ACM conference on Data and application security and privacy
March 2014
368 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 03 March 2014


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  1. android
  2. bindiff
  3. dexdiff
  4. security audit
  5. static analysis


  • Research-article



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  • (2022)Malware analysis: Reverse engineering tools using santuko linuxMaterials Today: Proceedings10.1016/j.matpr.2021.10.24360(1367-1378)Online publication date: 2022
  • (2017)A Taxonomy and Qualitative Comparison of Program Analysis Techniques for Security Assessment of Android SoftwareIEEE Transactions on Software Engineering10.1109/TSE.2016.261530743:6(492-530)Online publication date: 1-Jun-2017
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