Cited By
View all- de Wit JVogt PKrahmer E(2022)The Design and Observed Effects of Robot-performed Manual Gestures: A Systematic ReviewACM Transactions on Human-Robot Interaction10.1145/354953012:1(1-62)Online publication date: 19-Jul-2022
This demonstration on the Nao robot uses the selection of behavior based on a feedback type and an expressivity value to generate and execute appropriate feedback. It aims to ease the authoring process by using variable gestures.
Non-facial and non-verbal methods of affective expression are essential for naturalistic social interaction in robots that are designed to be functional and lack expressive faces (appearance-constrained) such as those used in search and rescue, law ...
People, both consciously and unconsciously, use subtle expressions to indirectly communicate their emotions and intentions through variations of the gaze direction, voice tone and gesture speed. People also perceive changes in the internal states of ...
Association for Computing Machinery
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