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The dual-sparse topic model: mining focused topics and focused terms in short text

Published: 07 April 2014 Publication History


Topic modeling has been proved to be an effective method for exploratory text mining. It is a common assumption of most topic models that a document is generated from a mixture of topics. In real-world scenarios, individual documents usually concentrate on several salient topics instead of covering a wide variety of topics. A real topic also adopts a narrow range of terms instead of a wide coverage of the vocabulary. Understanding this sparsity of information is especially important for analyzing user-generated Web content and social media, which are featured as extremely short posts and condensed discussions. In this paper, we propose a dual-sparse topic model that addresses the sparsity in both the topic mixtures and the word usage. By applying a "Spike and Slab" prior to decouple the sparsity and smoothness of the document-topic and topic-word distributions, we allow individual documents to select a few focused topics and a topic to select focused terms, respectively. Experiments on different genres of large corpora demonstrate that the dual-sparse topic model outperforms both classical topic models and existing sparsity-enhanced topic models. This improvement is especially notable on collections of short documents.


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  1. The dual-sparse topic model: mining focused topics and focused terms in short text



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    cover image ACM Other conferences
    WWW '14: Proceedings of the 23rd international conference on World wide web
    April 2014
    926 pages


    • IW3C2: International World Wide Web Conference Committee



    Association for Computing Machinery

    New York, NY, United States

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    Published: 07 April 2014


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    1. sparse representation
    2. spike and slab
    3. topic modeling
    4. user-generated content


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