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The strength of random search on automated program repair

Published: 31 May 2014 Publication History


Automated program repair recently received considerable attentions, and many techniques on this research area have been proposed. Among them, two genetic-programming-based techniques, GenProg and Par, have shown the promising results. In particular, GenProg has been used as the baseline technique to check the repair effectiveness of new techniques in much literature. Although GenProg and Par have shown their strong ability of fixing real-life bugs in nontrivial programs, to what extent GenProg and Par can benefit from genetic programming, used by them to guide the patch search process, is still unknown.
To address the question, we present a new automated repair technique using random search, which is commonly considered much simpler than genetic programming, and implement a prototype tool called RSRepair. Experiment on 7 programs with 24 versions shipping with real-life bugs suggests that RSRepair, in most cases (23/24), outperforms GenProg in terms of both repair effectiveness (requiring fewer patch trials) and efficiency (requiring fewer test case executions), justifying the stronger strength of random search over genetic programming. According to experimental results, we suggest that every proposed technique using optimization algorithm should check its effectiveness by comparing it with random search.


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ICSE 2014: Proceedings of the 36th International Conference on Software Engineering
May 2014
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Published: 31 May 2014


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  1. Automated program repair
  2. genetic programming
  3. random search
  4. search-based software engineering


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