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A visual approach for scan path comparison

Published: 26 March 2014 Publication History


Several algorithms, approaches, and implementations have been developed to support comparison of scan paths and finding of interesting scan path structures. In this work we contribute a visual approach to support scan path comparison. A key feature of this approach is the combination of a clustering algorithm using Levenshtein distance with the parallel scan path visualization technique. The combination of computational methods with an interactive visualization allows us to use both the power of pattern finding algorithms and the human ability to visually recognize patterns. To use the concept in practice we implemented the approach in a prototype and show its application in two scan path analysis scenarios from automobile usability testing and visualization research.


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ETRA '14: Proceedings of the Symposium on Eye Tracking Research and Applications
March 2014
394 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

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Published: 26 March 2014


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  1. eye tracking
  2. pattern analysis
  3. trajectory analysis
  4. visualization


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