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A modular, polyvariant and type-based closure analysis
We observe that the principal typing property of a type system is the enabling technology for modularity and separate compilation [10]. We use this technology to formulate a modular and polyvariant closure analysis, based on the rank 2 intersection ...
Strongly typed flow-directed representation transformations (extended abstract)
We present a new framework for transforming data representations in a strongly typed intermediate language. Our method allows both value producers (sources) and value consumers (sinks) to support multiple representations, automatically inserting any ...
Type-driven defunctionalization
In 1972, Reynolds outlined a general method for eliminating functional arguments known as defunctionalization. The idea underlying defunctionalization is encoding a functional value as first-order data, and then realizing the applications of the encoded ...
Systematic realisation of control flow analyses for CML
We present a methodology for the systematic realisation of control flow analyses and illustrate it for Concurrent ML. We start with an abstract specification of the analysis that is next proved semantically sound with respect to a traditional small-step ...
Functional programming with graphs
Graph algorithms expressed in functional languages often suffer from their inherited imperative, state-based style. In particular, this impedes formal program manipulation. We show how to model persistent graphs in functional languages by graph ...
Catenable double-ended queues
Catenable double-ended queues are double-ended queues (deques) that support catenation (i.e., append) efficiently without sacrificing the efficiency of other operations. We present a purely functional implementation of catenable deques for which every ...
Statically checkable pattern abstractions
Pattern abstractions increase the expressiveness of pattern matthing, enabling the programmer to describe a broader class of regular forests with patterns. Furthermore, pattern abstractions support code reuse and code factoring, features that facilitate ...
Flexible representation analysis
Statically typed languages with Hindley-Milner polymorphism have long been compiled using inefficient and fully boxed data representations. Recently, several new compilation methods have been proposed to support more efficient and unboxed multi-word ...
The effectiveness of flow analysis for inlining
An interprocedural flow analysis can justify inlining in higher-order languages. In principle, more inlining can be performed as analysis accuracy improves. This paper compares four flow analyses to determine how effectively they justify inlining in ...
Lambda-splitting: a higher-order approach to cross-module optimizations
We describe an algorithm for automatic inline expansion across module boundaries that works in the presence of higher-order functions and free variables; it rearranges bindings and scopes as necessary to move nonexpansive code from one module to ...
Foundations for the implementation of higher-order subtyping
We show how to implement a calculus with higher-order subtyping and subkinding by replacing uses of implicit subsumption with explicit coercions. To ensure this can be done, a polymorphic function is adjusted to take, as an additional argument, a proof ...
A practical subtyping system for Erlang
We present a type system for the programming language Erlang. The type system supports subtyping and declaration-free recursive types, using subtyping constraints. Our system is similar to one explored by Aiken and Wimmers, though it sacrifices ...
On the complexity of set-based analysis
We define a general notion of set-based analysis --- any language whose operational semantics is defined by environment evaluation has a well defined set-based abstraction. This general definition covers both Aiken and Wimmers' type system and Heintze' ...
Tupling calculation eliminates multiple data traversals
Tupling is a well-known transformation tactic to obtain new efficient recursive functions by grouping some recursive functions into a tuple. It may be applied to eliminate multiple traversals over the common data structure. The major difficulty in ...
A bounds inference method for vector-based memoization
The dynamic-sized tabulation method can be used to eliminate redundant calls for certain classes of recursive programs. An innovative aspect of the method is the use of lambda abstractions that may subsequently be converted to bounded vectors, in order ...
On global dynamics of optimal graph reduction
Optimal graph reduction technology for the λ-calculus, as developed by Lamping, with modifications by Asperti, Gonthier, Abadl, and Lévy, has a well-understood local dynamics based on a standard menagerie of reduction rules, as well as a ...
The development of Erlang
This paper describes the development of the programming language Erlang during the period 1985--1997.Erlang is a concurrent programming language designed for programming large-scale distributed soft real-time control applications.The design of Erlang ...
Type specialisation for imperative languages
We extend type specialisation to a computational lambda calculus with first-class references. The resulting specialiser has been used to specialise a self-interpreter for this typed computational lambda calculus optimally. Furthermore, this specialiser ...
Compositional references for stateful functional programming
We introduce the notion of compositional references into the framework of monadic functional programming and propose a set of new primitives based on this notion. They enable us to use a wide range of mutable data structures. There, references may be ...
Monadic state: axiomatization and type safety
Type safety of imperative programs is an area fraught with difficulty and requiring great care. The SML solution to the problem, originally involving imperative type variables, has been recently simplified to the syntactic-value restriction. In Haskell, ...
Implementing bit-addressing with specialization
General media-processing programs are easily expressed with bit-addressing and variable-sized bit-fields. But the natural implementation of bit-addressing relies on dynamic shift offsets and repeated loads, resulting in slow execution. If the code is ...
Structuring graphical paradigms in TkGofer
In this paper we describe the implementation of several graphical programming paradigms (Model View Controller, Fudgets, and Functional Animations) using the GUI library TkGofer. This library relies on a combination of monads and multiple-parameter type ...
Functional reactive animation
Fran (Functional Reactive Animation) is a collection of data types and functions for composing richly interactive, multimedia animations. The key ideas in Fran are its notions of behaviors and events. Behaviors are time-varying, reactive values, while ...
Automatic management of operating-system resources
One of the attractive features of functional programming languages is that they provide automatic management of the store, in the form of garbage collection. However, the benefits of automatic resource management can be applied to other resources as ...
Formal models of distributed memory management
We develop am abstract model of memory management in distributed systems. The model is low-level enough so that we can express communication, allocation and garbage collection, but otherwise hides many of the lower-level details of an actual ...
The measured cost of copying garbage collection mechanisms
We examine the costs and benefits of a variety of copying garbage collection (GC) mechanisms across multiple architectures and programming languages. Our study covers both low-level object representation and copying issues as well as the mechanisms ...
Index Terms
- Proceedings of the second ACM SIGPLAN international conference on Functional programming