GAIA estimation: A framework based on maturity levels and services for assessment and application of the software estimation process
Index Terms
- GAIA estimation: A framework based on maturity levels and services for assessment and application of the software estimation process
Evolution of a maturity model – critical evaluation and lessons learned
A system documentation process maturity model and assessment procedure were developed and used to assess 78 projects at 28 different companies over a five year period. During this time the original version evolved into second and third versions based on ...
Estimation of aggregate effective bandwidth for traffic admission in ATM networks
INFOCOM '95: Proceedings of the Fourteenth Annual Joint Conference of the IEEE Computer and Communication Societies (Vol. 2)-Volume - Volume 2A framework for adaptive bandwidth management in ATM based networks is presented. The central concept of this approach is an adaptive estimation of the aggregate effective bandwidth required by connections carried on each link of the network. To achieve ...
Distribution Patterns of Effort Estimations
EUROMICRO '04: Proceedings of the 30th EUROMICRO ConferenceEffort estimations within software development projects and the ability to work within these estimations are perhaps the single most important, and at the same time inadequately mastered, discipline for overall project success. This study examines some ...
Information & Contributors
Published In
- Co-chair:
- Claudio Cubillos,
- General Chair:
- Cristian Rusu,
- Program Chair:
- Dorian Gorgan
- Escuela de Ingenieria Informatica PUCV: Escuela de Ingenieria Informatica PUCV
- SIGAPP: ACM Special Interest Group on Applied Computing
- SIGCHI: ACM Special Interest Group on Computer-Human Interaction
- EATIS: Euro American Association on Telematics and Information Systems
Association for Computing Machinery
New York, NY, United States
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