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10.1145/2591062.2591117acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesicseConference Proceedingsconference-collections

Automatic search term identification for change tasks

Published: 31 May 2014 Publication History


At the beginning of a change task, software developers search the source code to locate the places relevant to the task. As previous research and a small exploratory study that we conducted show, developers perform poorly in identifying good search terms and therefore waste a lot of time querying and exploring irrelevant code. To support developers in this step, we present an approach to automatically identify good search terms. Based on existing work and an analysis of change tasks, we derived heuristics, determined their relevancy and used the results to develop our approach. For a preliminary evaluation, we conducted a study with ten developers working on open source change tasks. Our approach was able to identify good search terms for all tasks and outperformed the searches of the participants, illustrating the potential of our approach. In addition, since the used heuristics are solely based on textual features of change tasks, our approach is easy and generally applicable and can leverage much of the existing work on feature location.


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ICSE Companion 2014: Companion Proceedings of the 36th International Conference on Software Engineering
May 2014
741 pages
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  • TCSE: IEEE Computer Society's Tech. Council on Software Engin.


Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 31 May 2014


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  1. Initial search
  2. change task
  3. heuristic
  4. search term


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