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Cops, robbers, and threatening skeletons: padded decomposition for minor-free graphs

Published: 31 May 2014 Publication History


We prove that any graph excluding Kr as a minor has can be partitioned into clusters of diameter at most Δ while removing at most O(r/Δ) fraction of the edges. This improves over the results of Fakcharoenphol and Talwar, who building on the work of Klein, Plotkin and Rao gave a partitioning that required to remove O(r2/Δ) fraction of the edges. Our result is obtained by a new approach that relates the topological properties (excluding a minor) of a graph to its geometric properties (the induced shortest path metric). Specifically, we show that techniques used by Andreae in his investigation of the cops and robbers game on graphs excluding a fixed minor, can be used to construct padded decompositions of the metrics induced by such graphs. In particular, we get probabilistic partitions with padding parameter O(r) and strong-diameter partitions with padding parameter O(r2) for Kr-free graphs, O(k) for treewidth-k graphs, and O(log g) for graphs with genus g.

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  1. Cops, robbers, and threatening skeletons: padded decomposition for minor-free graphs



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    STOC '14: Proceedings of the forty-sixth annual ACM symposium on Theory of computing
    May 2014
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    Association for Computing Machinery

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    Published: 31 May 2014


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    1. cops and robbers
    2. excluded minor
    3. padded decomposition


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