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View all- Kuhar SPolančič G(2021)Conceptualization, measurement, and application of semantic transparency in visual notationsSoftware and Systems Modeling10.1007/s10270-021-00888-9Online publication date: 19-May-2021
Model Driven Architecture (MDA) is a software development approach promoted by the OMG. MDA is based on two key concepts, models and model transformations. Several kinds of models are generally used throughout the development process to specify a ...
When refactorings are applied to software models that are specified using the Unified Modeling Language (UML), the actual model and the graphical presentation of the model using a diagram need to be distinguished. While UML refactoring tools exist, they ...
ContextBusiness process modeling is an activity that includes several different roles, e.g. business analysts, technical analysts and software developers. The resulting process diagrams can be either simple or complex. Nonetheless, they must be ...
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