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Delta modeling for variant-rich and evolving manufacturing systems

Published: 31 May 2014 Publication History


Manufacturing systems exist in many different variants and evolve over time in order to meet changing requirements or environment contexts. This leads to an increased design complexity as well as to increased maintenance effort. In order to appropriately handle this inherent complexity, we propose a multi-perspective modeling approach combining UML activity, component-based and state chart diagrams to separately represent different system aspects. We combine the multi-perspective modeling approach with delta modeling to capture the variability and evolution of these manufacturing systems. Delta modeling allows a flexible, yet concise and understandable representation of variability in a modular manner. We examine our approach by applying it to a manufacturing lab demonstrator system with automated code generation from models obtained by delta application.


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MoSEMInA 2014: Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Modern Software Engineering Methods for Industrial Automation
May 2014
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Published: 31 May 2014


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