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RSSE 2014: Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Recommendation Systems for Software Engineering
ACM2014 Proceeding
  • Association for Computing Machinery
  • New York
  • NY
  • United States
ICSE '14: 36th International Conference on Software Engineering Hyderabad India 3 June 2014
03 June 2014
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SESSION: Long Papers
Using developer conversations to resolve uncertainty in software development: a position paper

Software development is a social process: tasks such as implementing a requirement or fixing a bug typically spark conversations between the stakeholders of a software project, where they identify points of uncertainty in the solution space and explore ...

Recommending a starting point for a programming task: an initial investigation

When starting a new task, a software developer must typically find one or more starting points amongst many resources (e.g., source code and other files) forming the software system. In this paper, we consider how we might recommend one resource as an ...

Variable provenance in software systems

Data Provenance is defined as lineage or history of the given dataitem. Knowing the source of the data or the transformation of the data-source to compute the given data is critical for analyzing the quality of the data. Many transformations of data ...

Towards standardized evaluation of developer-assistance tools

Over the last years, researchers proposed a variety of assistance tools to support developers in their development environments. Many of the respective publications introduce new evaluation strategies or use custom datasets. Size and quality of the ...

Recommending process improvement package using direct and indirect relationships of activities

Software process improvement (SPI) has been widely practiced in various domains. SPI uses a process reference model (e.g., CMMI) for planning improvement actions by identifying weaknesses and strengths of the current exercise. Identified findings are ...

SESSION: Short Papers
Recommendation system to enhance planning of software development using r

Today, planning phase of software development is very important since it involves crucial decision making on resource allocation, task management and delivery timelines. It is extremely important for employees and administrative decision makers (...

Towards a visualized code recommendation for APIs enriched with specification mining

This paper positions an idea for an interactive code recommendation system. In this work, candidate recommendations are abstracted as a graph-based visualization of the API usages that are decorated with the API specifications and the usage rules mined ...

Code recommendation based on a degree-of-interest model

Code recommendation systems predict and present what the user is likely to write next by using the user's editing context, namely textual and semantic information about the programs being edited in a programming editor. Most existing systems however ...

Automated support for human resource allocation in software process by cluster analysis

It is widely recognized the potential of using organizational data analysis to enable automated tools supporting process management task. The organizational repositories should be used in an active way to accordingly support dynamic decision-making ...

  • The University of British Columbia
  • University of Mannheim
  • University of Hamburg

Index Terms

  1. Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Recommendation Systems for Software Engineering
