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Detecting Faulty Nodes with Data Errors for Wireless Sensor Networks

Published: 06 May 2014 Publication History


Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) promise researchers a powerful instrument for observing sizable phenomena with fine granularity over long periods. Since the accuracy of data is important to the whole system's performance, detecting nodes with faulty readings is an essential issue in network management. As a complementary solution to detecting nodes with functional faults, this article, proposes FIND, a novel method to detect nodes with data faults that neither assumes a particular sensing model nor requires costly event injections. After the nodes in a network detect a natural event, FIND ranks the nodes based on their sensing readings as well as their physical distances from the event. FIND works for systems where the measured signal attenuates with distance. A node is considered faulty if there is a significant mismatch between the sensor data rank and the distance rank. Theoretically, we show that average ranking difference is a provable indicator of possible data faults. FIND is extensively evaluated in simulations and two test bed experiments with up to 25 MicaZ nodes. Evaluation shows that FIND has a less than 5% miss detection rate and false alarm rate in most noisy environments.


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  1. Detecting Faulty Nodes with Data Errors for Wireless Sensor Networks



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    ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks  Volume 10, Issue 3
    April 2014
    509 pages
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    Association for Computing Machinery

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    Published: 06 May 2014
    Accepted: 01 May 2013
    Revised: 01 April 2013
    Received: 01 October 2012
    Published in TOSN Volume 10, Issue 3


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    1. Wireless sensor networks
    2. data fault detection


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