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tPad: designing transparent-display mobile interactions

Published: 21 June 2014 Publication History


As a novel class of mobile devices with rich interaction capabilities we introduce tPads -- transparent display tablets. tPads are the result of a systematic design investigation into the ways and benefits of interacting with transparent mobiles which goes beyond traditional mobile interactions and augmented reality (AR) applications. Through a user-centered design process we explored interaction techniques for transparent-display mobiles and classified them into four categories: overlay, dual display & input, surface capture and model-based interactions. We investigated the technical feasibility of such interactions by designing and building two touch-enabled semi-transparent tablets called tPads and a range of tPad applications. Further, a user study shows that tPad interactions applied to everyday mobile tasks (application switching and image capture) outperform current mobile interactions and were preferred by users. Our hands-on design process and experimental evaluation demonstrate that transparent displays provide valuable interaction opportunities for mobile devices.

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    cover image ACM Conferences
    DIS '14: Proceedings of the 2014 conference on Designing interactive systems
    June 2014
    1102 pages
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    Association for Computing Machinery

    New York, NY, United States

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    Published: 21 June 2014


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    1. contact ar
    2. flipping
    3. surface capture
    4. tap'n flip
    5. tpad
    6. transparent displays
    7. transparent mobile devices


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