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Approximate modeling of continuous context in factorization algorithms

Published: 13 April 2014 Publication History


Factorization based algorithms -- such as matrix or tensor factorization -- are widely used in the field of recommender systems. These methods model the relations between the entities of two or more dimensions. The entity based approach is suitable for dimensions such as users, items and several context types, where the domain of the context is nominal. Continuous and ordinal context dimensions are usually discretized and their values are used as nominal entities. While this enables the usage of continuous context in factorization methods, still much information is lost during the process. In this paper we propose two approaches for better modeling of the continuous context dimensions. Fuzzy event modeling tackles the problem through the uncertainty of the value of the observation in the context dimension. Fuzzy context modeling, on the other hand, enables context-states to overlap, thus certain observations are influenced by multiple context-states. Throughout the paper seasonality is used as an example of continuous context. We incorporate the modeling concepts into the iTALS algorithm, without degrading its scalability. The effect of the two approaches on recommendation accuracy is measured on five implicit feedback databases.


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cover image ACM Other conferences
CARR '14: Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Context-Awareness in Retrieval and Recommendation
April 2014
34 pages
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  • University of Potsdam: University of Potsdam
  • Yahoo! Research
  • CWI: Centrum voor Wiskunde en Informatica - Netherlands


Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 13 April 2014


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Author Tags

  1. context-awareness
  2. continuous context
  3. factorization
  4. recommender systems


  • Research-article

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CaRR '14
  • DFKI
  • University of Potsdam
  • CWI


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  • (2016)The Contextual TurnProceedings of the 10th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems10.1145/2959100.2959136(249-252)Online publication date: 7-Sep-2016
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